The #1 Reason I Nailed My Career Pivot

Nicole Chee
2 min readAug 10, 2023

I worked in finance at a tech start-up before making the shift to become a software engineer. I nailed my career pivot because I was surrounded by individuals who had my dream job.

Here’s why it proved to be effective:

1. Insider Insights

I received tons of insider insights that I couldn’t obtain through research alone. My colleagues shared unfiltered job experiences, job hunting advice, as well as their salaries to ensure I set a fair target for my expected salary.

2. Skill Enhancement

I was given tips to create a well-defined career roadmap, encompassing the essential programming skills and knowledge required to secure an excellent front-end development job.

3. Mentorship Possibilities

I had mentors ranging from product management to software engineering who provided guidance, support, and established clear goals to monitor my progress.

4. Industry Trends

I was also kept up-to-date with the latest industry trends, technologies, and best practices. This knowledge provided me with a competitive edge and helped me stand out.

5. Building Confidence

Regularly interacting with individuals who have already achieved what I’m striving for boosted my confidence. I could see that my goals are attainable

6. Positive Peer Pressure

Being surrounded by ambitious and successful individuals can generate positive peer pressure. This motivated me to set higher goals, work harder, and never give up.

Surround yourself with individuals who had my dream job, and you’ll be on the right track.

